We Need Your Older Devices!

For manufacturers of AAC products

If you wish to make tax deductible contributions of your products, most excellent use will be made of every donation. You will receive a confirming letter of your donation with an estimated value of what you contribute.

Click here to donate low tech to high tech devices. Software and software licenses may be donated.

You will receive information supplemented with stories and photographs where your donations were used.

For schools, clinics, and other institutions that have older devices on hand

When you purchase new AAC equipment, please consider recycling your older AAC devices to those in need in developing countries. You will receive information supplemented with stories and photographs where your donations were used.

Click here to donate your older devices.

For schools that recycle AAC equipment in this way, you may also opt for a "pen pal" program, whereby your existing school users of AAC may be able to communicate with their counterpart users of AAC in developing countries.

Should you wish to make a monetary donation to Global AAC

Here are example expenses to which your monetary contributions help to pay:
  1. Shipping of AAC products to developing countries. We mostly use the following commercial carriers to ship products from Princeton, NJ to developing countries:
    1. UPS
    2. Fedex
    3. DHL
  2. Travel costs for AAC professionals to train speech therapists and users of AAC in developing countries. These can be Global AAC staff, AAC experts from the USA and abroad, and speech therapy students … both graduate and undergraduate … from the USA and abroad, to train speech therapy staff and users in developing countries.
  3. Development and maintenance of the www.globalaac.org website.
  4. Maintenance of the Princeton, NJ office and storage facilities for AAC products.

Click here to make a financial donattion.